in this theoretical situation
no chimpanzee really died.
this situation does not correspond to any court proceedings in the history of the judiciary on the globe.
most catastrophic model situation:
the famous movie schimp on a skateboard has aged.
all the time he was cared for by his nurses and coaches by two spouses and his owners.
a chimpanzee pulled a functional skateboard out of the rubbish bin where a professional skater threw it because he bought a new one.
before the šimpi died, he allegedly referred the skateboarder’s coach to the legacy, but only to him, him and no one else or to the coach, allegedly.
after the death of a shimpi, a skateboard dispute arises between the owners of the dead shimpi, which results in a divorce and a legal dispute over ownership of the skateboard.
if one can inherit the right to life from a monkey
may the court summon as a witness the second chimpanzee, a colleague from the film who allegedly knows more … 🧐😏🤣
in that case
we summon a mosquito;
Aaades Albopictus !!
comune share-free;
they founded a company for training animals before concluding a marriage …
in the USA, from a certain point of view, every person is a company, so here the situation is complicated but not so that it is not solved
“Court” but as I said the shimpi colleague will clarify more 🤣
a smaller shimpi arrives and brings a written will in Chinese characters from the deceased shimpi.
He writes: I am a chimpanzee and I write with full consciousness … and in 30 characters that only that babe bequeathed a skate. 😳
a forensic expert arrives and finds out on the spot that the will of a counterfeit second chimpanzee … which the trainer trained during the intrigue …
theoretical Verdict after 2 months of traction,
for in the end everything was solved by the mosquito (aedes albopictus) who saw everything, but had to be postponed a few times because his testimonies dropped different blood from different animals with different assigned letters, he was always so drunk after three words that they had to postpone 🤣
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