_ chechoslovakia state company konštrukta.
one hovitzer have shorter cannon so the drilling not finish in correct imaginary clock point so not shooting correct. top ingeneer controlor is on holiday so argues what to do.
everyone different advices so calling pensioned worker and he say ; Jaroslav is the god, wait on him. director is sceptical but bccs he know Jaroslav’s profesionality decided to wait. first thing in office is announced and Jaroslav only smile – i hope you not trash it out . not say workers but is impossible to solve it. at that moment Jaroslav said epic phrase: “with workers how you and with my engeneering is nothing impossible.” jirko was closer to correct solution but – not piece say Jaroslav – but constructive counter piece.
now i must weite in slovakian language, english bellow by google translation that i not garantee for correct translate.
mal som iba tri roky, a počul som iba raz skrátené vysvetlenie ale pretože moja najstaršia spomienka aj keď si nepamatám všetko je z mojich deviatich mesiacov, ale to už je iný príbeh – k veci.
vŕtací princíp zosobňuje viacero princípov napríklad – vrták postupuje – stúpa pomocou prvotného tlaku , rotačného princípu, princípu rezného, princípu zábehového vyhadzovacieho atd.
pri postupe vrtáku koli jeho rotácii ide vždy jedna rezná dráha prvá. za ňou v prípade vrtáku pre rotačné výrezy ďalšie.
a tu sa dostávame ku potrebe protikusu- protikus sa v danom prípade skladá z dvoch sfér, prstencovej a sedacej. protikus troška pripomína sedačku bez posedu s decentne zašikmenými nožičkami. zašikmenie nožičiek zo sedacej sféry protikusu presne sedí do dráh rotačných výrezov [pričom zakrivenie má po zuhlovaní len do prvej polosy]. čož ale nieje všetko, nožičky sú zúžené do stratena aby pri prvotnom kontakte s vrtákom protikus nekládol priveľký odpor. koniec nožičiek je skosený z rovnake dovodu. protikus sa po celej dráhe spoja navarí a perfektne opracuje. prvá rezná britva vrtáku ktorá pojde do kontaktu zároveň chytí zábehový princíp čo je hlavnou výhodu procesu,pričo v momente prvého zapbehu ostatné dve nožicky stále dria protikus. ako náhle začnú zaberať ostatné rezné britvy vrtáku nastáva tesne pred prstencovou sférou protikusu kritický okamih ktorý avšak ak je nastavená správne modifikovaná rýchlosť i sila vŕtania v momente kedy sa prvá rezná britva dotkne prstencovej sféry a zaberie principiálne fyzikálnym zákonom ďalšie o dve zmenšené [odrezané] nožičky stále držia prstencovú sféru, potom zaberie druhá a … drží posledná mini, ba až mikro ale stále nožička a potom jest víťaztvo naše.
99.9999 zbrojných inžinierov by situáciu vzdalo a napríklad pri pištoly sa neoplatí takto narobiť, ale pri kanóne … avšak ten kanón strielal až do nedávne perfektne.
rip: otec.
the drilling principle personifies several principles, for example – the drill advances – it rises with the help of primary pressure, the rotary principle, the cutting principle, the run-in ejection principle, etc.
when the drill advances or rotates, one cutting path always goes first. behind it, in the case of a drill for rotary cutouts, another one.
and here we come to the need for a counterpart – in this case, the counterpart consists of two spheres, the annular and the sessile. the counterpart is a bit like a sofa without a seat with decently angled legs. the slanting of the legs from the sitting sphere of the counterpart fits exactly into the paths of the rotary cut-outs. but that’s not all, the legs are narrowed to the end so that during the initial contact with the drill, the counter does not offer too much resistance. the end of the legs is beveled for the same reason. the counter piece is welded along the entire path of the joint and perfectly machined. the first cutting blade of the drill that comes into contact also catches the run-in principle, which is the main advantage of the process, while at the moment of the first run-in the other two blades are still rubbing against the counter. as soon as the other cutting blades of the drill begin to engage, a critical moment occurs just before the annular sphere of the counter, which, however, if the drilling speed and drilling force are set correctly, at the moment when the first cutting blade touches the annular sphere and engages, in principle, by the laws of physics, the other two reduced [cut off] legs still they hold the ring sphere, then the second one takes over, … and the last one holds the mini, even micro, but still the foot, and then the victory is ours.
99.9999 weapons engineers would have given up on the situation and, for example, it is not worth doing this with a pistol, but with a cannon … however, the cannon shot perfectly until recently.
rip: father.
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