after seen the video ; how kadyrov junior beating by weight and by experiences inadequate guy for provocation that even in islam state would not be, but i really doubt that torture of restricted on freedom is in chechnya legal. but history teach us that rough kings has stupidly crazy sons and toughts dictators perverts, modern psychology calling also complex of powerful’s sons, i am really stopped for discover how to catch sarmat missile only for west’s dirtiest. but if i change the mind i do only on my time, not on time of peovocateur. any way; exist probability that chechnya will go on total mobilization, bccs even they fought bravely need more people when is count citizens amounts of ukraine and chechnya and amount of russian soldiers included into the conflict.
and yeas, they are in masonry debt to russians that was maked during two chechnay wars and that was agreed to repay during contract of peace. was good biz bccs remained them nicely big piece of autonomy, bigger then is tradition in masonry. and here is necessary to tie these piece with renew palestine vs sion conflict;
mixing into these conflict of west mean mixing into possible tutorials from iran and that mean possible conflict with russia, which is by calculation with legality of isreal which is equoled zero very bad business, specially by remembering how sionists looked on their army’s friends and israeli tribes balled statements that they can fighting without any support with all islamic world and how “their” god from fairy tail will help them so why to follow characters to not over react on palestinians etc. many peace makers told them; let almost journalists burry, but they understood everything “better”. neutrality is in these case perspective solution, and if usa wanna help ; can open refugees arms, europe is quasi devastated, why to waiting for collapse?
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