money vs qualitty

_ every businessesman wanna be billionaire or almost most riche as possible or why they do the biz, right ? but there are two expect else categoryzation elementary types of bizmen ; patient fully and inpatient. the second one very offten officially loosing quality of productions bccs need per force saving more money than possible. the shining exemple of first one is rigips.

not only by quality material but for precise system. the certificated rigips workers are teaching by the company and btw first of mottos for even experienced but greenhorns is : the system is fast by himself, not try to run. tirence of body mean also tirence of brain and at the same time also oppugn, so not too much overtimes even still is validy the more is better, and propose format of contract that mean expect else things not using else companies makers of screws etc…,

thankfully the threat of loosing certificate is quality pushes to up, not to down how by sqeez …

yeas, many times is complication when around have only cheap screws and contractor have prolong of work, but money aren’t everytime money ; think ; you can sale to more prestigous clients that tour office is maked by rigips system then cheap mix. and here the smarter part of businessmen may changing policy.

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