purpouse of these article is not teaching english gramaar , but discover demonological nouns in atheistic language for scientistic community and ortodox_atheists .
what’s scientistic’s definition of human ?
combination of universal_elements in
specific ratio arranged on the trajectory
of human being :
dust , water , fire , air , ether .
cluster of biomass (in majority H2O) in which happening chemical procedures majoritly on base of change a Mendeelee’s _elements arranged to trajectory into the human being.
project water_memory known in academic land is still in diapers .
hypnosis is technic which is known also in the scientistics comunnity (psychiatry , psychology) , but how work is still secret and these article is not for discover full
biological and physicals undiscovered laws of hypnosis , but for purpouse of these article is necessary to almost little bit to open these secret .
receptors and neurons of human brain are during the hypnosis in similar frequency like in sleep very short middle_phase no_REM to REM.
in hypnosis people can comunicate with a theirselfs human body_water in algorithm of history of composition H2O.
algorithms of thought matrix of human being are in thousends and thousends ….years principialy still the same ; be sated , found partner , have a progeny , avoid a people which are not sympatic , be a couriouse , will to show the skills and advantages …. sense of autodefence (by the way sense of autodefence is first in algorithm in healthy brain)… etc.
maybe people these algorithms made little bit a more sofisticated than before , but principialy are not_changed .
psychiatry community will not agree they will try : “what you write higher are insticts , not matrix of thought”
if is the ways how people fullfill they instincts different for intensity of the instincts (and they are) is the fullfill’s qualitty condicioned by informations in instincts and these relationship is called variable+unknown+value=result
= integrated algorithm .
algorithmic configuration of matrix_thought can be modified little bit (not totally) in hierarchy , or intensity , but cannot be modified in integrality of coresponding algorithm matrix_thought.
human’s history recorded that every kind of civilisation was conditionaly connected with
some kind of cult build by abstractly qualitties or abstractly disqualitties.
exemples :
Egyptian’s (Osiris_Rex , Anubis , Ra , )
Roman’s (Mars , Venus)
Greek’s (Ares , Apoloon , ..)
Israelita’ns (JHVH , …. , ….)
comunistic’s (making from weak capabilitty to connect and read with abstractly sphere
pseudofact that connection is “impossible” in)
theology of atheism.
energy of thought is material even UltraNanoSoft and the proof is dear academic_land in transformed thought’s energy which is possible to detect in writing .
if one arrange the words into the specific sequence , readers emotions will be by coresponded algorithm of thought accepted or not in value of specisifity equoled with a writer .
so if will be predisposition of readers emotion in negative value in compare of writer’s positivity efect to reader will be equoled in value of readers predispotion just in the different sign , or if will be emotional predisposition in the same value sign , will be efect whished by writer . closer to equal of predispositions ; closer to value .
physicists will opugn ,
“by emotions make a scientistic research ?”
honesty psychology scientists could here to support me ; considering the fact that emotions are deepest in matrix_thought than anything else , EXCEPT sense of auto_defence and sensies (sight , touch , …).
Emotion = Integralita of Alghorithm
after the moment of input the variable (life_moment) the value_(emotion) make a impact on the result .
Angels and Demons are
Older inMaterialised
human’s Qualitties and Disqualitties
than is a human being .
thankfully human brain (in phases non_REM&REM or in hypnosis) capability to connect with a history of water memory is possible to read that some moleculs of our body_water was before long way in hydrosphere somwhere and also in someone else and their histories is when is human brain’s receptors ready to read .
littier capabilitty to connect history of water memory , littier result from comunication .
If here read some budhists ; be tranquille from some inherited H2O moleculs reincarnation in full sense don’t cause , so identity (=total logarithm of integrals in algorithm matrix_thought) ; is non transfereble by lower algorithm than gravity .
for astrophysics :
considering creation of planets ; calling
a gravity => symbiotic¶sitic law ; I can.
what is on historic civilisations (mean algorithm of cult of abstractly sense) for any human positive or negative on total value of impact on human development , I let for any human separatly , but by Me : pyramids are nice but sale a own doughter to meathouse (l’bordel) like a algorithmic progeny of Ra (Tutankhamun) for finishe a building is more than decadent ,
and thought_energy of mortification of victim all procedure of civilisation defilemted . if some of egyptologists dreamers will protesting on card that not all was a bad in egyptians civilisation , could under pseudoalgorithm of these scetchily clishé accept the hideious Mussolinni’s success against mafia including crimes against humanity in second wwII. and these could be unacceptable .
any way people follow the abstractly qualitties or disqualitties all history including modern atheists , which make of atheism ortodox_religion in algorithm of themselves overrate (complex of divinity).
If I have 1000$ everytime when some atheist (including from academic land)
sayd a Me : “god existn’t” and with the same breath complete : “I am god.” , I am a “billionaire” .
and now
evocation formule is in language of interjections resonable frequency for body water & hydrosphere for calculate a human brain the conversion of alghorithmic key for comunication between body water &
hydrosphere . result of evocation is equoled of difference between integral of evocator’s algorithm and algorithm’s integral of evocated qualitty or disqualitty .
the evocateurs of lower level which are not capable with sixth sense or after evocation in dream comunique with abstractly spheres , doing a bad bussinness with a invocation (mean with body water in the pntgrm(=socked for connection) = breathing the same breath from called qualiity(algorithm)/disqualitty {word mentioning-the qualitties are much more symbiotic than parasite and vice_versa by disqualitties also for interval’s differencies between them [a&d]} ; the algorithm of lower disqualitties don’t survive in recorded human history , but algorithm of “higher” disqualitties (sexual terorism,murders…) survive even the human being progres in big inovation = antibiotics .
human progres in matematica but cult of mamon survive … etc.
sixth_sense = olfaction + audition + vision + somatosensation + gustation * algorithmic’s interval for variations of combinations input into the matrix_tought。
the best thing on the evocations is that: longer is evocater’s blood _line without be a rapist or Putifar’s woman syndrome , longer addition of algorithms of evocater’s ancestors (coresponded almost little bit with a called alghorithm) you can read . considering that genialy alghorithm of Lucifer is in first sacrilagesly his real followers not rape like a pseudoalgorithm BhAllah’s and anothers maledicted pseudoalgorithms , so for real Luciferians is validy same principe I wrote higher .
the capababilitty inmaterialised volition of evocater trought the way ; magical evocation into the efect in personal life is individual and
is equoled evocater’s capabilitty of improvise+coeficient of vector for modify solution of evocation’s reason’s (reason is in majority personal life problem or scientistix question) and the coeficient enter or symbioticly shere (d&a) the called algorithm of qualitty or disqualitty in evocation .
the worst thing on evocations is , that if the evocations formules by lectato read a someone feebleminded or weaker in breathing or too young , but the procedure followed , can after a evocation or in worster case (invocation) cause in shortlier or longer future devastaible amok even will be formulas for angelic evocations .
for these reason ; good master of Demonology the formules hermeticly , expcept for prepared students conceal .
if have a evocateur against him opnents like the five highest Luciferians (global_predictor) is twoo options : or change position from evocateur to prayer (differente body_language between servants=dressed and soldiers) and silencly calling a universal_algorithm (101letters) including element of universal_algorithm named in tetragramaton and the sequence of adjectives make a mood of universal algorithm and one of his adjectives is also : reckless .
or be a one of the 101 highest algorithms in space .
by my modesty opinion ; uncapabilitty to detected the individual vector from universal_algorithm for prayer by majority of preyers is in :
first ; absence 101 letters key words , in second ; too low inteligence of prayer , in third in cappabilitty of became a rapist/Putifar’s_woman syndrome .
by minority is the uncapabilitty to detect vector from universal_algorithm for prayer in the usselessness of prayer’s apeals considering the universality of full 101 letters lectato key for calling a universal_algorithm.
miracles are rare for the conserve continuum history of time_space which suffer when universal_algorithm overcompensate time space paradox durating a miracle .
and because I don’t forget that I write for scientists community I will not inwrite to these article how energy of breath from persons which areNot rapists or Putifar’s woman syndrome interconect our time_space with a space.
space=time_space+super_space+hyper_space and about these connection except matematic scientistic works , was by Newton’s physics which is supported by Nobel Institutte publiced nothing for be a connected my language with a atheistic_language .
after these can scientistic community ask for some kind of proofe , ok .
I after a object’s permition without any kind of physical attack just by technic of breathing in personal space make a human object tired in style that never feel & never will want repeat .
if I defend a higher wrote chalenge , proof will prooving that gravity is second&conjunctive&symbiotic&parsite highest law for universal being after a eternal impulse
whose vector is : needed all lower algoritms , except decadent pseudoalgorithms.
reason of uncappabilitty detecte lucifer’s vector for evocateur’s algorithm of some evocateurs is their low inteligence .
for these reason the evocaters of lower inteligence after leastways oportunity goes to evocate the lower but still older than evocater algorithms/pseudoalgorithms .
the notions which I avised on tittle I was by the converse key languages between bellievers and atheists by Logica able to use , I hope that wasNot for
{scientistic_comunity&their numbers
budhistic children in catacombs with crayons
observing piece of oeuvre by universal_algorithm mistake that seen all.}
You dear theo(logy)fobics , honor exceptions , too close to the demonology which is preciouslier considering the abstractlycity of sientistic direction than is a theology (thlg=more historical than a spiritual) and for these reason is Demology not_lectured in academic land。
p.s.1.: just who never loved or never hated , can say that abstractly nouns¬ions “notexist” .
p.s2.: just who have problem to accept himself have a problem to understand fatamorganicly_antagonism why in some repeated actions human brain receptors go to trajectory no trought to emotions receptors.
Because I write these article during breakfast on my knee , is not exemple for encyclopedia of english gramaar .
any way ;
I wish You dear scientistic community
emotion to be a excitedly_curiouse !
Copyright ©️ 2019 Peter Novacek All rights reserved.